Performance analysis:
In addition to the regular sales numbers (lead conversions, deal closures, revenue generation), metrics are derived on all the sales activities performed by the team members such as emails, calls, task executions, pipeline actions & collaborations. And top performers on each of the above categories are reported.
Also to diagnose the strength and weakness of any sales representative, unique metrics on non-quantifiable factors such as time taken for deal closure, deal conversion rate, revenue lost, call answering rate, time is taken to respond customer emails, time taken for first engagement are measured leveraging the AI intelligence.
For example, if the reports pinpoint that, a specific sales representative have generated huge revenue loss with poor performance indicators on-call answering rate & time taken to respond to customer emails, it is straight & easy to correct.
Performance Bench-marking:
Sales Reps are the people who actively participate in the sales activities, engaging with prospects & customers to bring in new or more sales. They go through the simple to complex decision-making processes throughout their day whether they work on finding the next lead to target or prioritizing their customer communications.
For example, knowing that 100% call answering rate & quick 15 minutes of mail response time makes Amit win more deals, it will be an easy job to coach other sales reps to follow the suite.